Фундаментальная уязвимость HTML при встраивании скриптов. Как структурировать HTML-формы Атрибуты async и defer - способы выполнения скрипта

Тег используется для подключения скриптов к HTML документу.

С помощью HTML тега выполняется подключение клиентских (client-side) скриптов. Обычно тегом подключают JavaScript.

Код скрипта может располагаться между открывающим и закрывающим тегами , либо во внешнем файле. Во втором случае в атрибуте src тега указывается URL файла скрипта (см. примеры ниже).

Тег Можно использовать как в , так и в частях HTML документа.

Один HTML документ может содержать неограниченное количество элементов .


Встроенный скрипт:

код скрипта

Внешний скрипт:

Пример использования в HTML коде

Подключение скриптов JavaScript тегом script

console.log("а вот и скрипт");

Атрибуты async и defer - способы выполнения скрипта

С помощью атрибутов async и defer можно задать способ выполнения скрипта.

Возможны 3 варианта использования async и defer атрибутов тега :

  • Не используется ни async ни defer. HTML документ загружается, дойдя до скрипта извлекается и выполняется сценарий. После этого загрузка продолжается.
  • Используется атрибут async. По возможности, скрипт выполняется асинхронно - при этом продолжается загрузка страницы.
  • Используется атрибут defer. Скрипт выполняется после полной загрузки страницы.
Поддержка браузерами
Да Да Да Да Да
Атрибуты тега Атрибут Значение Описание
async async

Указывает, что скрипт должен выполняться асинхронно. Логический атрибут.

charset charset

Указывает кодировку внешнего файла скрипта.

defer defer

Указывает, что скрипт должен быть выполнен только после полной загрузки страницы. Логический атрибут.

Атрибут применим только для внешних скриптов.

src URL

Содержит адрес файла внешнего скрипта.

type media_type

Указывает тип содержимого скрипта. Атрибут обязателен при использовании в HTML 4.01 и не обязателен в HTML5.

По своему виду метка ничем не отличается от обычного текста, но благодаря ей пользователь может выбрать элемент формы кликом по тексту, расположенному внутри элемента , а не по самому элементу .

Поддержка браузерами Тег
Да Да Да Да Да Да
Атрибуты Атрибут Значение Описание
for element_id Определяеть к какому элементу формы относится текущая метка.
form form_id

Определяет форму/формы с которой будет связана метка. В качестве значения атрибута выступает идентификатор элемента ( ). Этот атрибут позволяет размещать метки в произвольном месте конкретного документа, а не только внутри тега . Этот атрибут был удален из спецификации HTML 28 апреля 2016 года , но скрипты имеют доступ только для чтения HTMLLabelElement.form (возвращает форму с которой связана метка, либо "0", если метка не связана с формой).

Пример использования

Чтобы определить к какому элементу формы относится текущая метка, необходимо использовать атрибут for тега . Значение атрибута for должно соответствовать значению глобального атрибута того элемента формы, к которому будет относится метка. Атрибут for можно не использовать, если элемент будет находиться внутри элемента .

Рассмотрим пример использования:

Пример использования тега Да Нет
Да Нет

В этом примере мы:

  • Внутри первой формы:
    • Разместили две радиокнопки ( ) для выбора одного из ограниченного числа вариантов. Еще раз обратите внимание, что для радиокнопок внутри одной формы необходимо указывать одинаковое имя , значения мы указали разные. Для первой checked , который указывает, что элемент должен быть предварительно выбран при загрузке страницы (в данном случае радиокнопка со значением yes ). Кроме того, мы указали для радиокнопок глобальные атрибуты , которые определяют уникальный идентификатор для элемента.
    • Разместили два элемента , которые определяют текстовые метки для наших текстовых полей. Обратите внимание, что мы использовали атрибут for , чтобы определить к какому элементу формы относится текущая метка. Значение атрибута for соответствует значению глобального атрибута необходимой нам радиокнопки.
  • Внутри второй формы:
    • Разместили две радиокнопки ( ) для выбора одного из ограниченного числа вариантов. Для второй радиокнопки мы указали атрибут

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Element of What does What Does In HTML: Easy Tutorial With Code Example do? The element is used to associate a text label with a form field. The label is used to tell users the value that should be entered in the associated input field. Display inline Code Example Favorite Animal

For a to work properly, it must include a for attribute, which identifies the to which it is associated. The for attribute"s value should match the id (not the name) of the element.

(Form submission relies on name and label pairing relies on id . This is why you will often see elements with the same value in both attributes. And if the is a checkbox , you might see the same value in the value attribute, and as the content of the element.)

First Name

Do you agree to the terms and conditions?

Labels and Usability

It is, of course, possible to not use the element, and just put unmarked text over or next to a form field. But this isn"t a good idea. Having a paired label is more than just good semantics, it is good usability. With a properly marked-up label, the user can click (or finger-tap) the label in order to bring focus to the element or select it. This is moderately helpful on regular desktop and laptop computers, but on touchscreen mobile phones, it makes a huge difference.

Click this label to select.


this is a game... not a school...

Comment by djtacoman Inscription patterns are called techniques when you find one being sold by a vendor or dropped by a mob. Comment by chuckmoney It"s also worth noting that Inscription is the only profession that provides an additional Hearthstone in the form of Scroll of Recall, similar to how Shammys have their own hearth spell. This opens up some unique possibilities for some crafty money making.

A Shaman with Inscription can go home literally every 5 minutes, so if there is a vendor item near your capital (cats in Goldshire, as an example), you can ride out, buy some, then hearth/recall/scroll back to the capital and stick it on the AH. If you can find limited supply items within 3 minutes of an AH location, this can cut your transit time in half, constantly saving you the trip back.

A Mage with at least 1 Teleport skill can do the same thing but even better. Set your hearth somewhere like Gadgetzan or Everlook and buy limited stock recipes, then teleport back home to AH them. Your cooldown time will go to 10 minutes instead of the 5 above, but most of the recipes won"t respawn in 5 minutes anyway. Choose areas which are incredibly difficult to get to - places without a flight point work best - and go to town flipping items.

Of course, you could just as easily have an alt camp the point and mail it to yourself, but...

Edit: Not to sound like I"m owed some sort of explanation, but does someone mind telling me why you modded this down? I can understand if you don"t like people doing this (nobody likes higher AH prices) but unless you are going to try to tell me something in my post is false, I humbly request that you unmod it back to neutral.

Comment by mahgo Inscriptionator. Comment by badley Patch 4.0.1 is live.... and most glyphs have been reset! NOW is the best time to be a scribe. Glyphs are going for around 100-150g easy on my server because they"re just that much in-demand Comment by dragonknight2300 at the moment the most awesome thing i would like to see for a scribe is the ability to filter by glyph type. I"m constantly asked, "hey what minor glyphs can you make me?" or similar and this would make answering such requests much easier. Adding it to the Auction house would be awesome too but less necessary with the glyph list now available on each character. Comment by saco Are there gonna be new glyphs in Cata? Was hoping to see what some new glyphs might be but see no new ones in Cata. Overeall highly disappointed in the whole glyph system...think it"s bout utter crap.

Why? Because every class+spec is pigeon holed into the same glyphs...there is no choices or variations for the most part. There is some but very limited and most are about utter crap.

I mean srly...if thats the case why not just give the "glyph benefits" as part of the talent tree specialization bonus. I wanted glyphs to provide uniqueness or flavor of a limited form of custimization. If this is the best Blizz can do then obviously they just wasted money n resources on the manpower developing this gyph system.

Comment by Catriona Are we still stuck using Books of Glyph Mastery to learn glyphs? Comment by Hakunamatata

By chuckmoney on 09/04/2010 (Patch 3.3.5)
It"s also worth noting that Inscription is the only profession that provides an additional Hearthstone in the form of Scroll of Recall, similar to how Shammys have their own hearth spell. This opens up some unique possibilities for some crafty money making.

This is no longer true as of 4.0.3. Archaeologists now have which is an equivalent of a Hearthstone.

Comment by Alatoth

I was wondering this as well. ARL is telling me that I have 25 glyphs to learn and the only way to get them is through a book that drops in instances that no one runs anymore.
Does anyone know if Cataclysm has given us a alternate way to learn these Glyphs?

happy discovery:)

Comment by peoriapeg These do not teach glyphs - they give buffs. Comment by millerr33 Does anybody know of an addon that you can use to see what is still undiscovered? Comment by Brugge Not true, Innkeepers Daughter shares a cooldown with your Hearthstone, so it is more of a cosmetic replacement. Comment by bonkyeknod the recall scroll is unpredictable after lvl 40 tried for swamp of sorrow the other day got sent to westfall i wouldnt recommend it and i perfer to be referred to as the inkman Comment by bonkyeknod recall scrolls are unpredictable after lvl 40 and i like to be called an inkman Comment by Kobodoshi According to http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/inscriber , inscriber is the appropriate term. While a scribe can produce many documents (i.e. manuscripts), the more precise term for someone who produces an inscription is an inscriber. Comment by AcantiTheGreat Trust me, being a Death Knight, profesions are horrid. Untill I got to 75, I had no reason for them. Learning inscription is deffinately worth your while. When you start making glpyhs, mass production is the key. If you can take over the auction house (Very easy), you will see your banking character move up very quickly. This is also a very time consuming prof.
Check other proffessions for my suggestions on who should have which. Comment by Zulummar No it doesn"t, at least not if you"re 85. It bestows a random buff on you, and in fact the item isn"t even usable if you"re level 85. Comment by Nephthis Hate to bust your bubble buddy. But Inscriber is a word. Deal with it.
It"s a noun, so it is not "either or", it"s "both".
Nice try though bud. Comment by Nephthis

Scribe or Inscriber

Edits: Curiously enough one of the next words in these very, very unwieldy collections of paper bound in a curious manner, called "Dictionary" in the land where I come from we use these collections of paper bound in curious manners to "define" what we call in english "words". Contrary to popular belief, there are a great many of them (words that is. Word.)

Inscribe" (which includes the word "Inscriber" in noun form) Is none other than the word "Inscription"! Wow! I wish I could smack you just to emphasise the fact your not only an idiot, but you didn"t even check and sloth is just not only ridiculous but disgusting.

I"m the light, you turn to stone, not get stoned. .

Comment by Nephthis Hate to bust your bubble buddy...

However, Inscriber is a word. I bet in hindsight you feel like an idiot, rightly so. Deal with it.

On to the word: Inscriber, it is a noun, so it is not just "scibe", it"s "both". (In regards, to scribe or inscriber.)

Nice try though bud. You really should double check your information because... Your arrogance is commendable. Your ignorance makes you ridiculous.

Scribe or Inscriber , and in frivolous moments... Inscriptioningist LFW.

I digress, In this thing called "Dictionary", the very next word after "Inscribe
In Trade you are what we call "TROLL", savy?

Comment by Nephthis Hate to bust your bubble buddy...

However, Inscriber is a word. I bet in hindsight you feel like an idiot, rightly so. Deal with it.

On to the word: Inscriber, it is a noun, so it is not just "scibe", it"s "both". (In regards, to scribe or inscriber.)

Nice try though bud. You really should double check your information because... Your arrogance is commendable. Your ignorance makes you ridiculous.

Scribe or Inscriber , and in frivolous moments... Inscriptioningist LFW.

Edit/Afterthoughts (for those capable of understanding): Curiously enough one of the next words in these very, very unwieldy collections of paper bound in a curious manner, called "Dictionary" in the land where I come from we use these collections of paper bound in curious manners to "define" what we call in english "words". Contrary to popular belief, there are a great many of them (words that is. Word.)

I digress, In this thing called "Dictionary", the very next word after "Inscribe " (which coincidentally includes the word "Inscriber" in noun form) Is none other than the word " "! Wow! I wish I could smack you just to emphasise the fact your not only an idiot, but you didn"t even check!
In Trade you are what we call "TROLL", savy?

I"m the light, you turn to stone, not get stoned...

Post Script: The british variant of "Emphasise" is intended. Just because it is, and it can be such as it is to be as an Inscriber.

Comment by Nephthis Druid Inscribers also make excellent farmers. It must be their oneness with nature, and their ability to read that makes them natural cash cows... (Some disparaging tauren humor for the alliance players.) Comment by Nephthis In 4.0.1 you could. If you paid attention to your user interface. Comment by Elevate

Inscription - hands down. It"s not even close.

The trick is to become one of those people who undercut others quickly and efficiently. Once you have all of your milling/crafting/posting add-ons set up, inscription makes money like crazy. Glyphs are where it"s at.

(BTW - you"ll know that you"re efficient at the undercutting game when you can determine which glyphs you"re being undercut on, and then cancel and repost up to 200 glyphs in under 10 minutes).

There are huge initial investments that you"ll have to make, though. Forget trying to make money with the glyphs that you learn from the trainer while you"re levelling the profession. You"ll need to buy 54 of these . Right now, on my server, they go for 250g (I cry when I think that I used to sell them for 15g during WoLK). You also have to make sure to do your Northrend inscription research every day for a couple months to build up your catalogue of glyphs that you can make.

For me, I make around 5-6k a day selling glyphs. I buy all of my herbs on the AH. I usually check for undercuts and then cancel and repost around 3x per day. So, in total, it takes me around an hour a day to make the 5-6k - around 30 minutes to mill herbs, make ink, and make glyphs, and then 30 minutes to post them and then do my 3 cancel/re-posts per day.

Comment by FritoDan Now and again discussions crop up on this site (as well as in-game) about what exactly is the correct way to refer to someone preforming the inscription, similar to how "Tailoring" is done by "tailors." So I figured I"d post the answer here on the main Inscription page for anyone curious.

For most people it comes down to arguing "scribe" versus "inscriptionist." However both of these are incorrect: As far as I can tell, "inscriptionist" is not a true word, and strictly speaking it"s incorrect to state that inscription is performed by scribes.

A basic explanation is that "to scribe" something generally implies an act involving a larger body of text, like authoring a work, copying a manuscript by hand, or something along those lines. An alternative usage denotes using a sharp instrument to mark lines in something like wood as guides for it to be cut along. For either of these definitions, the person performing the act is a scribe .

In scribing, on the other hand, has more to do with fancy markings or engravings, and generally involves much shorter bits of writing. The person doing the inscribing is called an inscriber .

-->> TLDR: Inscription is done by inscribers, not scribes. Scribes do other things.

Finally, in case there"s any other linguistics buffs out there reading this, it"s also possible that the word "scribe" derives from "inscribe" through aphesis. But that"s not really relevant here, since their definitions today are distinct from each other, as stated above.

Edit: The game uses "scribe," and I"m not trying to try to convince anyone not to use that term. I just wanted to impart some insight into this discussion.

Comment by Asilya

Epigraphy (from the Greek: ἐπιγραφή epi-graphē, literally "on-writing", "inscription") is the study of inscriptions or epigraphs as writing; that is, the science of identifying the graphemes and of classifying their use as to cultural context and date, elucidating their meaning and assessing what conclusions can be deduced concerning the writing and the writers. Specifically excluded from epigraphy is the historical significance of an epigraph as a document or the artistic value of a literary composition.

A person utilizing the methods of epigraphy is called an epigrapher or epigraphist. For example, the Behistun inscription is an official document of the Achaemenid Empire engraved on native rock at a location in Iran. Epigraphists are responsible for reconstructing, translating and dating the trilingual inscription and finding any relevant circumstances. It is the work of historians, however, to determine and interpret the events recorded by the inscription as document. Often epigraphy and history are competences practiced by the same person.

This is the result of searching for inscription on wikipedia.
Even though i feel scribe is generally accepted, is the right word actually epigrapher/epigraphist?

Comment by Minikila this is a macro yo can us for milling
#show (herb name)
/cast Milling
/use (herb name) Comment by Anaberry Don"t discard your out leveled scrolls of recall! I even make more of them.

What is it you are doing but making batch after batch of pigment and ink standing in the middle of a market heyday? Not me, sure I run hundreds of glyphs but I am doing my milling in exotic locations thanks to simple scroll of recall. I get my herbs ready, grab an outdated scroll, and go *poof. I am standing in some zone totally unexpected. Then I fly to some overlook or not, I mill away from everyone. I love the adventure and hearth home. No other profession has either need or ability. Plus I am not spamming the combat deeds with enticing money making suggestions.

Comment by Eighjan All those in favour of the (planned) v4.2 PvP trinkets being released as BoE, rather than BoP, say "AYE"...? Comment by cinb40 I hope someone reads this and it doesn"t get marked down before I get some kind of answer. I have inscription maxxed out at 525, a month or so ago I stopped with my minor inscription research because I wasn"t learning any new glyphs and was told by a GM that it was because I"d learned all the minors. Now the same thing is happening with the Northrend Inscription research. I get no new glyphs just a scroll

I"ve tried the Adventurer"s Journal and it pops up a comment on screen that I am "too wise and powerful"..... the Book of Glyph mastery also doesn"t teach me any new ones. I know I don"t have them all since I had to go BUY a glyph the other day when I respecced my mage. Any comments?

Comment by Zulecockinas Since we write things on scrolls, i kinda want the ability to make recipes for other professions. Think about it, why not? Isn"t that what scribes do? Comment by WoWHackingTools Valor Cap Increaser

The Valor Cap Increaser edits the amount of valor points you can acquire by exploiting a simple Blizzard bug.

Works on 4.2.0 (14480) (Current)



Comment by Hanz0 what many people that have inscription forget is that you can make scrolls !

They are as powerfull as 1/3 of any flask and are an actual delight when you`re doing heroics. The best thing about them is that you can send them to your alts or cast them on other players, unlike alchemy where you can use the 1/3 flasks only for yourself !

Comment by Kleopatria

Death Knight
Glyph of Frost Strike
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell
Glyph of Blood Tap
Glyph of DRW
Glyph of DC
Glyph of Dark Succor
Glyph of Death Coil
Glyph of Death and Decay
Glyph of HS
Glyph of Horn of Winter
Glyph of Howling Blast
Glyph of Hungering Cold
Glyph of Icy Touch
Glyph of Obliterate
Glyph of Path of Frost
Glyph of Pestilence
Glyph of Raise Dead
Glyph of Rune Strike
Glyph of Rune Tap
Glyph of Scourge Strike
Glyph of VB

Glyph of Berserk
Glyph of Dash
Glyph of Faerie Fire
Glyph of Feral Charge
Glyph of Ferocious Bite
Glyph of Focus
Glyph of Growl
Glyph of Healing touch
Glyph of Insect Swarm
Glyph of Innervate
Glyph of Lifebloom
Glyph of Mangle
Glyph of Moonfire
Glyph of Nourish
Glyph of Rebirth
Glyph of Rejuvenation
Glyph of Rip
Glyph of Savage Roar
Glyph of Shred
Glyph of Starfall
Glyph of Swiftmend
Glyph of Tiger"s Fury
Glyph of the Wild
Glyph of Thorns
Glyph of Treant
Glyph of Typhoon
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth
Glyph of Wild Growth
Glyph of Wrath

Comment by Kleopatria Glyphs required by each class at end-game - may make these glyphs more profitable to create

Glyph of Arcane Blast
Glyph of Arcane Brilliance
Glyph of Arcane Missiles
Glyph of Arcane Power
Glyph of Blink
Glyph of Conjuring
Glyph of Deep Freeze
Glyph of Evocation
Glyph of Fireball
Glyph of Frostbolt
Glyph of Frostfire
Glyph of Ice Lance
Glyph of Living Bomb
Glyph of Mage Armour
Glyph of Mirror Image
Glyph of Molten Armor
Glyph of Polymorph
Glyph of Pyroblast

Glyph of Arcane Shot
Glyph of Bestial Wrath
Glyph of Chimera Shot
Glyph of Disengage
Glyph of Feign Death
Glyph of Immolation Trap
Glyph of Kill Command
Glyph of Kill Shot
Glyph of Mending
Glyph of Misdirection
Glyph of Rapid Fire
Glyph of Raptor Strike
Glyph of Revive Pet
Glyph of Snake Trap
Glyph of Steady Shot
Glyph of Silencing Shot
Glyph of Trap Launcher

More classes to follow - hope this helps in deciding which glyphs to make when levelling
Kleopatria - Frostmourne Alliance

Comment by DeeHants Don"t forget to pick up your Virtuoso Inking Set from your friendly neighbourhood inscription suppler! Comment by Gilmamesh Does anyone know if you can collect all the glyphs learned through discovery? Or is there a cut-off for learning the lower level glyphs? If so, is the cut-off tied to character level or inscription level?

I noticed that my character stopped learning the lower-level glyphs and starting learning higher-level glyphs even though I am using Minor Inscription Research. I was hoping to eventually learn them all.

Comment by blunkszilla I took up this profession thinking that I could make just enough money to get by (skills, repairs, etc.) I later realized this is very profitable (depending on your realm) and fun. I used my dk to supply mats for my druid. later milled them and turned them into inks (even got some sold for 100g a stack). Its very handy when you need a little pocket cash =) Comment by lifeslowlydies If you pick up this profession at the moment you still need the Book of Glyph Mastery to learn many glyphs. The Book of Glyph Mastery can still only be obtained in Northrend as well, which is why if you check the Auction House on your server the books may be expensive. Blizzard did not update these to drop in Cata Zones like they did for other professions. Inscription is one of the easier professions to level up to getting your shoulder achievement and it will save you grinding some reputation. I suggest you have a character with herbalism, for that is what makes it very easy. Comment by Chiad i highly recommend this profession if you need some money while getting your char to level 90 you can earn a lot of money just with the glyphs you get from the trainer even low level ones can be sold for a lot Comment by Stonessnake14 How come Wowhead has 472 glyphs and the armory has only 344? Does the armory not have all the discovered ones listed or does Wowhead still have some old ones included?

Thanks in advance

Comment by LdyKarghon I am at 600 and on the list of recipes it shows up to 610. How do I get to that level? My trainer has stopped giving me glyphs. Comment by realfix I tried to trade in some black fallow ink to no avail. As there is only one glyph that uses the stuff, It is now totally useless. Since all Cataclysm herbs yield ashen pigment and turns into blackfallow ink the whole Cataclysm areas are not defunct and useless. The stuff is trash and so is Cataclysm. They have rendered it irrelevant in the whole of the games as well. It is useless to even visit these areas because the armors are weaker and have less useable stats than the Panda gear. All the epic gear I starved to learn and collect recipes for are irrelevant. Thanks for wasting my life! Comment by Thrallscream Hey guys,

Just a tip if you find yourself seemingly "stuck" between 550 and 560 like I did (even though it was my second toon to have maxed inscription) lol.

It can serve as a quick way to look up:

  • Is a particular glyph trainable (if so, it won"t be listed, I only listed researched glyphs)
  • If it is a researched glyph it should tell you which type of research is needed to get it

If you are tracking your own glyphs, feel free to make a copy of the spreadsheet. I protected all but the "Comments" sheet so that no one can completely screw it up.

Since you no longer need Books of Glyph Mastery for any Northrend glyphs, I didn"t bother to break that out nor do I say what skill level each glyph requires to learn. Don"t forget that now you can learn Northrend glyphs from Scrolls of Wisdom, too.

Hope it is helpful for others. If so leave a comment here, uprate this comment, or leave a comment in the sheet.

Comment by jahf To help with looking up which glyphs are from what types of research, I made this This Google Spreadsheet .

Updated on 2014-10-28 for WoD "Warbinder"s Ink" research

  • If a glyph is trainable (ie, from a trainer) it will NOT be listed
  • I use the sheet to track my progress on learning various glyphs
  • It will also show you which research type is required
  • "m"inor and "M"ajor types are noted

(reminder: you now can learn Northrend glyphs from Scrolls of Wisdom ... and you no longer need Book of Glyph Mastery unless you want to pay to speed up your learning process)

The sheet is open for all to read. Anyone can leave a comment on the last page. If you want to copy the page to your own to track your glyph learning progress, feel free.

If useful please uprate here or feel free to leave a comment in the file.

Comment by briansavka Updated for the number of glyphs available.

A helpful script that tracks how many glyphs you have and the amount of days left until you have learned them all at 3 new glyphs a day.

/run local name,type local f=0 for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do name, type, _, _, _, _= GetTradeSkillInfo(i) if (name and type ~= "header" and string.find(name,"Glyph")) then f=f+1 end end do print(f.."/406"); print(math.ceil((406-f)/3).." days left") end

Make sure you have the inscription window open for this macro to work.

Comment by Jovio I have only 405 glyphs in my spellbook (according to battle.net), but trainer can give me no more, as will none of the researches. Is there a way to tell which I lack, or do I have to compare list to list, and is there a way to get the one I lack if I find out which one it is? Anyone know if there is one removed in 5.2, making the sum only 405 despite the amount here in wowhead (which gives 406 when filtering on "Glyph").

Edit: After fiddling woth wowhead and battle.net, I finally discovered that (Glyph of Supernova) was missing, and it seems it does not exist ingame; at least not according to my warlock"s glyph list.

Comment by altayrr Approximate Materials Required for 1-600:

You should need less, so don"t mill every herb, mill them only if you need more pigment.

110 Alabaster Pigment giving herbs
70 Dusky Pigment giving herbs
170 Golden Pigment giving herbs
170 Emerald Pigment giving herbs
160 Violet Pigment giving herbs
80 Silvery Pigment giving herbs
160 Nether Pigment giving herbs
400 Azure Pigment giving herbs
140 Ashen Pigment giving herbs
320 Shadow Pigment giving herbs

Comment by Premonition You also need to be at least level 10 to start the Inscription Profession! At level 10 you can set and build your talents and use Glyphs. Comment by Bighappykitty Just a word of warning on the new changes to Herbalism in 5.3. You can now level it exclusively in Pandaria.

HOWEVER, there is no system in place to level inscription or alchemy the same way. So, do not make the same mistake I did, blissfully ignoring collecting herbs as you level a toon. I had to go back and grind my way through all the old content to get mats for alchemy; one full day has me just now starting the WotLK herbs.

tldr version: If you"re planning on leveling alchemy or inscription on the same toon DO NOT skip collecting herbs as you level a toon.

Comment by Sam97 I think that creators should add more BoE mounts and companions for inscription profession . Comment by Theolol Just to break it down for all of you who suffer from being called "inscriptionists", "inscriptioners", "inscriptionizorers", etc:

inscription (noun) => to inscribe (verb) => inscriber / scribe (nouns)

Feel free to share, end the pain!

Comment by lecanard2 can you inscribe your name in gear? Comment by Decrity Guys:
WoD patch notes:

"Automatically Learned Glyphs

While leveling, characters unlock Glyph slots at several specific levels. However, in order to get glyphs, characters need to visit an Auction House (and potentially pay way more gold than an average character of that level has yet), or know a Scribe from which to request them. To solve this, we"ve made characters learn some Glyphs automatically as they level.
All classes now learn some of their Major Glyphs as they level. Recipes for these Glyphs have been removed.

At level 25, the following Glyphs are automatically learned by characters of the appropriate class:
Entangling Roots, Fae Silence, Ferocious Bite, Maul, Omens, Cat Form, Liberation, Pathfinding, Frost Nova, Blink, Fortuitous Spheres, Rapid Rolling, Afterlife, Harsh Words, Flash of Light, Alabaster Shield, Dazing Shield, Avenging Wrath, Templar"s Verdict, Levitate, Holy Fire, Fade, Deadly Momentum, Stealth, Flame Shock, Thunder, Healing Storm, Healing Wave, Spiritwalker"s Grace, Siphon Life, Drain Life, Demon Training, Ember Tap, Long Charge, Victory Rush, Bloodthirst, Gag Order

At level 50, the following Glyphs are automatically learned by characters of the appropriate class:
Might of Ursoc, Nature"s Grasp, Rebirth, Rejuvenation, Savagery, Mending, Chimera Shot, Black Ice, Polymorph, Spinning Crane Kick, Denounce, Divine Storm, Word of Glory, Reflective Shield, Smite, Mind Blast, Recuperate, Totemic Recall, Fear, Executor
At level 60, the following Glyphs are automatically learned by characters of the appropriate class:
Dark Succor, Unholy Command, Death Grip

At level 75, the following Glyphs are automatically learned by characters of the appropriate class:
Death and Decay, Dash, Faerie Fire, Healing Touch, Master Shapeshifter, Misdirection, Slow, Frostfire Bolt, Water Elemental, Breath of Fire, Mana Tea, Fists of Fury, Light of Dawn, Final Wrath, Double Jeopardy, Penance, Renew, Dispersion, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Lightning Shield, Eternal Earth, Healthstone, Bull Rush, Enraged Speed, Shield Wall"

Comment by Shebeast Your list is missing a glyph for discipline/holy Priests. It"s called Glyph of Purification. It"s listed under the priest glyph tab. The information is as follows:

Glyph of Purification
Discipline, Holy
Major Glyph
Purify now has a maximum of 2 charges, but its cooldown is increased by 4 sec.

Comment by XinR It appears Wowhead is playing WoD aready because a good many glyphs are listed that aren"t available yet and the glyphs that are still in game are not on that list either.. Comment by lankybrit I think it"s awesome that the cards only require War Paints, which are made with some basic pigment, instead of having to use rare pigments like previous expansions. I think this will lead to a more vibrant card market with more Trinkets made. Can"t wait to get my Scribe leveled up/ Comment by Draewind In WoW professions we now buid items that can rival the raid drop items and are far better than the dungeon drop items. They start small and can be made bigger and bigger. They all are created with what is called a . We even craft items to take another roll at the on the gear. The random enchant includes 2 of the secondary stats (giving us a measurable chance or RNG). Items for the Back (cloak), neck, neck, finger(ring), weapon, and shield, have a greater number of possibilities than other armor items, because they can contain the secondary statistics of Bonus Armor and Spirit (fortunately they do not include the combination of both those statistics ;-).

All of the items have a name in the form of " of the ". If you click on the link, it will take you to a chart with all the possible names and combinations. I wish I could add a picture here.

"Steelforged Shield of the Guileful" would have Critical Strike and Bonus Armor as the
"Truesteel Breastplate of the Harmonious" would have Mastery and Versatitility as the
(I think I threw up a little bit there)

Most Armor Items:
As we see from this graph, the number of possible for most armor items will be 10. So, you have a 1 in 10 (1/10 or 10% ) possibility of getting just the mixture of statistics you want.

Cloaks, Necks, Rings, Shields, Weapons:
These items have an additional 2 statisctics added to the normal 4. The added statistics, as mentioned earlier, are Bonus Armor and Spirit (Tank and Healer statistics, respectively). Fortunately there is no combination of both Bonus Armor and Spirit (ever here of teats on a boar hog?)

Only weapon types intended for a healing class will have the possibility of Spirit, and only weapon types intended for a tanking class will have Bonus Armor. Weapons intended for both, will have the same chances as all the jewelry, cloaks, and shields. So if it can be enchanted (by enchanting) or is a shield, it fits in this class of item.

So your chances of getting the perfect necklace with just the right two secondary statistics is 1 in 20 (1/20 or 5% ). I am not certain whether Bonus Armor and Spirit have the same chance of being included. If they are given a single chance and then chosen between the two, then your chance for an item with perfect statistics not including Bonus Armor or Spirit would be 1 in 15 (1/15 or 6.67% ).

I would list here all the values associated with the , however they vary depending on the slot and material. They also vary with the level of the individual wearing or looking at them.

There you have it. All the possible names and combinations. All items of the same level contain the same amount of statistic, such as "54 Critical Strike" and I have not seen a crafted item with a double a statistic (only one statistic but twice the value).

EDIT: None of content, just spelling and highlighting.

Comment by angelzhizni Blizzard, seriously, need a "Mill All" option for these mats that can be in stacks of 200 now. Pretty annoying having to mill entire stacks at 5 mats a time. Comment by wisedada Simple but useful macro in order to quickly mill your WoD herbs

# showtooltip
/cast Milling
/use Talador Orchid
/use Gorgrond Flytrap
/use Frostweed
/use Fireweed
/use Nagrand Arrowbloom
/use Starflower

Copy-paste these strings in your macro and bind it to a useful / easy button of your keyboard.

And let the spam begins!

Comment by lankybrit Mass Milling is coming in 6.2. It will allow you to mill 20 Draenor herbs for 4 times the output of a current mill.

A step in the right direction.

Comment by bobsta2311 Hi, with the warbinders research method, learning glyphs is much easier (I"m currently learning 5 a day - no pun intended), but how do I find out how many more I have to learn without going through the list and counting them? Comment by danicadb1 I bought an Inscription made staff, can I buy an Inscription upgrade to use on the staff? what are these called please:)
I looked in AH, but don"t know what to look for. Comment by Patwan This list is incomplete Comment by Pan666g Sorry to say this but all off this is inrelivant because ligion is out and the whole system is F..op, why did they do this at Blizzard? Comment by CyberChiewu Seemed like the only thing missing here for me, a noob today, is that to mill, click on your milling tool, and click on the herbs, I believe a minimum is needed (5) perhaps.
And, you need a and some to start off after you get some herbs. Look for a vendor in your main city listed under these items. Comment by g90814 Welcome to the latest time sink. It takes FOREVER to craft inks thanks to Blizzards ingenuity for BfA Inscription. The Crafting Enchant just cuts the time in half... which is still too long.
Never mind the mats you need to keep buying from the Trade Goods Vendor in order to make the ink.
Never mind how much time it may take to mill pigments, even with mass milling.

Oh, and mostly worthless items to make.

Comment by Aerynsun8449 IDK, I"m probably going to be down voted for this. But... Blizzard, it seems pretty ignorant to make scribes/inscriptionists/whatever we"re called, craft eight cards (random when crafted) to create a trinket when every other profession can craft/make their weapons, gear, rings knowing exactly what they"re making and not having to rely on RNG hoping they"re able to make their things now. Draenor, I have a ton of cards, none of the "sets" having ever accumulated an Ace through eight of their respective set. Legions I gave up trying to match them. And once again, we have four sets of cards, (Darkmoon Deck: Blockades , Darkmoon Deck: Squalls , Darkmoon Deck: Fathoms and Darkmoon Deck: Tides) that are random when we craft Darkmoon Card of War . Random of which set we get and random which card in that set we get. Currently I have in my bank, (Blockades - 2,3), (Fathoms - 2, 4) (Squalls -2, 3, 6, 7) and (Tides - Ace, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7) Yes, two 7 of Tides. Not one 3 or 8.

It is ignorant. IF we"re scribes, don"t you think we"d KNOW what we were scribing, inscribing, however it"s called when we"re performing the act? Tailors get their patterns and they know when they"re sowing leggins or a chest piece. Leatherworkers know when they"re stitching together a chest piece or boots. Engineers know when they"re building a scope or a Mechanical Squirrel. Every profession knows when they"re building or crafting something what it"s going to be when they"re finished. Every profession except Inscriptionists. WE not only have to rely on ONE RNG, but two. Hoping to get the correct set as well as hoping to get the correct card IN that set.

How many Darkmoon Cards of War do I have to go through to make ONE trinket for my Paladin? Well, so far I"ve made 15 cards and still can"t make ONE trinket. How ignorant is that? What is wrong with your programmers that thought, "Hey, let"s screw with the players again. How about we make their ability to craft their trinkets not just random, but randomize the process TWICE!"

I bet that guy got a promotion. Or at least a hefty bonus in his check that week.

Here"s a thought, give us the option to craft exactly which card we need. Remove the damn RNG from this BS. It"s bad enough we have to craft eight separate cards to make one item but to then make it random which card set and which card in that set we get? We can, not just theoretically because it happened to me in Draenor, go an entire expansion without ever crafting ONE trinket. Ok, I admit, half way though the expansion I gave up. But still, my tailor was able to craft whatever they wanted from the start. As long as they had the recipe. My Engineer could craft whatever they wanted, again, with the pattern. I have alts that between them can do every profession. This one is the only one that doesn"t know how to craft their item without relying on RNG. Why?

Comment by SpectralDaisy I am leveling my 4th scribe right now and noticed there are significant differences from when I leveled my 3rd, let alone when I leveled my first back when it was released in Wrath, so I wanted to make notes to maybe help people who might be confused by older comments as well as Wowhead"s information itself being somehow inaccurate in some of the "teaches" tabs on ink research. Here are the links to the others I have made:
Comment by Songlark Why did they take the glyph class categories out? I seriously can"t keep track of who has what, and opening every single recipe to see the colour icon of the glyph is awful! Comment by megitance Can anyone explain how "Discovery" works? Can you randomly Discover something crafting grayed out items?